21st October 2021
Again online due to the ongoing COVID pandemic, the FORCE consortium team met to
discuss progress, challenges and adaptations to the workplan for year one and to brainstorm
the feasibility of an online RIS-PACS system. Budget dissemination across partners was
clarified, and ethical approval processes for image harvesting were progressed.
The impact of the ongoing pandemic on Multiplier Events was considered and it was agreed
to establish a further ME at the next ISRRT Congress given that the 2021 ISRRT Congress was
hybrid face to face and online and attracted fewer participants than anticipated. Agreed the
most viable and effective way to showcase FORCE at the ME planned for ECR Vienna 2022
was to have a terminal in the EFRS hub. A working group to plan this was set up.
Case examples were demonstrated to showcase H5P can do and how it can link to the 2D
VR. Many overriding principles of the patient cases were brainstormed and agreed,
A working group was established to take the various options on web storage capacity
forward to resolution.
General progress was discussed and agreed to be slowed by the various logistic problems
that face the project. Each work package was reviewed and re-planned.