Matthews, K., Costa, P., Dalen-Seime, N., Huhtanen, J., Jaronen, M., Kamp, C., Strudwick, R.; Zarb, F. (2023). Patient examination simulations to support radiography clinical education: the FORCE project. Poster session presented at the meeting of European Congress of Radiology, Vienna.
Matthews, K., Costa, P., Dalen-Seime, N., Huhtanen, J., Jaronen, M., Kamp, C., Strudwick, R.; Zarb, F. (2022). The FORCE project: a Framework for Online Radiographer Clinical Education. Journal of Medical Imaging and Radiation Sciences Vol. 53 (pp. S39). Bangkok: Elsevier.
Dalen-Seime, N., Aarhus, G., Costa, P., Huhtanen, J., Jaronen, M., Kamp, C., Kraus, B.; Rainford, L.; Strudwick, R.; Tcacenco, A.; Zarb, F.; Matthews, K. (2022). Evaluation of case simulations for radiographer education within FORCE project. Journal of Medical Imaging and Radiation Sciences Vol. 53 (pp. S40). Bangkok: Elsevier.
Matthews, K., Aarhus, G., Bezzina, P., Costa, P., Dalen-Seime, N., Huhtanen, J., Jaronen, M., Kamp, C., Kraus, B., Rainford, L., Saila, T., Strudwick, R., Tcacenco, A., Zarb, F. (2022). Developing patient case simulations for teaching: experience and advice from the FORCE project. Journal of Medical Imaging and Radiation Sciences Vol. 53 (pp. S39). Bangkok: Elsevier.
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Costa P., Atutornu, J., Bezzina, P., Dalen, N., Huhtanen, J., Jaronen, M., Saila, T., Kraus, B., Rainford, L., Matthews (2022) Development of a Framework for Radiographer Online Clinical Education (FORCE): the specific strand of Nuclear Medicine within this European Project. Eur J Nucl Med Mol Imaging 49 (Suppl 1): S1–S751
Matthews, K. (2021). Framework for Online Radiographer Clinical Education. International Society of Radiography and Radiologic Technologists (ISRRT) World Congress. Dublin Ireland.